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ตวงพร รุ่งเรืองศรี


            The purpose of this research was to: 1) study the satisfaction level to institution of students in Graduate School of Public Administration; 2) study the commitment to institution of students in Graduate School of Public Administration; and 3) study the variables that can predict the commitment to institution of students in Graduate School of Public Administration. The samples were 111 alumni and current students in Graduate School of Public Administration. The statistics used frequency, percentage, average, Standard deviation and for data analysis was Multiple Regression Analysis. The results were found that: the satisfaction to institution of students was at high level in all aspects, with the highest mean were the faculty, staff, curriculum and facilities, respectively; the commitment to institution of students in Graduate School of Public Administration, in overall was at a high level, with the highest mean were “You will maintain and build a reputation for the college”, “You are proud to be a student of the college”, and “You will advise others to apply at college”; the variables that can predict the commitment to institution of students in Graduate School of Public Administration, it found that satisfaction with staff, satisfaction with faculty, and personal characteristics in career of state enterprise employees/ private companies can predict the commitment to institution of students in Graduate School of Public Administration with statistical significance at the level of .01.

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