A Causal Relationship Model of the Service Quality Influences on Customer Satisfaction of Islamic Bank in Three Southern Border Provinces

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ปาริชาติ เบ็ญฤทธิ์
อัลญาณ์ สมุห์เสนีโต
นุรซาร์ฮิดาห์ อุเซ็ง


           Due to the increasing competition among banking business in Thailand, there is a critical need to understand customers’ satisfaction. Researchers in marketing generally agree that satisfaction is the fundamental elements in effective service management and it plays a pivotal role in success of every business organization. Therefore the aim of this research is to identify the level of customers’ satisfaction, and to investigate the influences of service quality on customers’ satisfaction as service quality including tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and compliance.

           Data were collected from customers of Islamic bank located in Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat provinces via a self-administered questionnaire. A total of 402 completed questionnaires were used in the analysis. SPSS and Smart PLS were applied to analyze the data. The findings of the current study indicated a high level of customers’ satisfaction of Islamic bank. Furthermore, the result showed that five factors of service quality positive significantly influence on customers’ satisfaction in Islamic Bank of Thailand. The sequences of
the importance factors were as following responsiveness, empathy, compliance, assurance and tangibles respectively. On the other hand, reliability was found that insignificantly influence on customers’ satisfaction.

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