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ทศพล เชิดชัยภูมิ
ปิ่นกนก วงศ์ปิ่นเพ็ชร์
เบญจวรรณ บุณยะประพันธ์


          The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of causal relation model of team effectiveness in manufacturing with empirical data. The sample consisted of 430 employees of the Committee of Occupational Safety, Health and Work Environment of the Workplace, and they were selected by simple random sampling. The tool used to collect data was questionnaire which collected data on: team effectiveness, team cohesiveness, job attitude, effective communication, and intrinsic motivation of team. Data were analyzed by utilizing structural equation model. Results indicated that the structural model was consistent with empirical data. 85.3 % of the variance in associated with was team effectiveness explained by effective communication, job attitude and team cohesiveness. Specifically, team cohesiveness had the strongest direct effect on team effectiveness.

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