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พสกพร สุขุมมะสวัสดิ์
ธนวัฒน์ พิมลจินดา


           The purpose of this research was to study current situations of the Drugs Prevention and Suppression Policy Implementation in Chon Buri Province in 2013-2015, to study problems and obstacles, and to propose improvement and development approaches of the Drugs Prevention and Suppression Policy Implementation in Chon Buri Province. In this research was studied 6 districts of Chon Buri Province and was consisted of 60 key informants working in Chon Buri Province. This is a qualitative research. The results indicated that the following are some current circumstances: 1) Task determination and assignment of 4 groups are designated policies from government., 2) Government apportion budget as conservative methods., and 3) The number of agencies involved in policy implementation of 4 groups remain their unique identities, cultures, and organizations. Furthermore, there are three main problems as follows: 1) Inappropriate task determination and assignment issues for real areas, 2) Inadequate allotted budget issues, and 3) Unintegrated issues between departments of the Drugs Prevention and Suppression Policy Implementation. For primary recommendations, the government should clearly specify task determination and assignment. Moreover, the government and policy makers should clearly allocate sufficient budget and directly support to many real areas.

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