

  • วรทัศน์ วัฒนชีวโนปกรณ์
  • จักรกฤษณ์ โปณะทอง
  • จตุพล ยงศร


Factors Analysis, Communication Skills, Undergraduate Students


The objective of research was to examine the dimensional structure of the factors for communication skills for undergraduate students, divided into 2 stages: 1) semi-structured interviews to enhance communication skills for undergraduate students, such as Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, and Srinakharinwirot University. The sample consisted of 6 instructors in higher education institutions and 6 graduate users were interviewed by a semi-structured interview form.

The results of the interview to enhance communication skills for undergraduate students are as follows: 1. Good Listener, 2. Reading Lover, 3. Honesty in Communication, 4. The ability to organize issues, 5. In understanding the rights and duties, 6. The substance is complete, 7. The ability to control emotions and stress, 8. In pursuit of knowledge, 9. Polite speech, 10. Media selection appropriately, 11. Good timing, 12. Media literacy, 13. Ability to assess the situation, 14. Communication etiquette, 15. Dare to comment, 16. Ability to understand easily, 17. Thinking before speaking, 18. Dare to ask questions, 19. Planning, and 20. Responsibility.

After that, lead to Stage 2) Study the components for enhancing communication skills for undergraduate students. From student groups in 3 higher education institutions, including Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, and Srinakharinwirot University, academic year 2019, a total of 394 people, specifically (Purposive Sampling), a tool used as a questionnaire to study the communication skills components for students in higher education institutions. There are 5 scaling scales with Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient equal to 0.940. The statistics used are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test by extracting the components using Principle component analysis (PCA) and Orthogonal Rotation using Varimax Method and Chi-square Variance.

The results showed that there are 10 components for enhancing communication skills for undergraduate students as follows: 1. Planning Communication 2. Verbal Propriety 3. Open-Mindedness 4. Situation Assessment 5. Nonverbal Propriety 6. Straight Talking 7. Reading & Listening Comprehension 8. Media Literacy 9. Listening and Commenting Propriety and 10. Content & Grammar Pondering.


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