การจัดการเรียนรู้โดยใช้ปัญหาเป็นฐานร่วมกับบทเรียนอีเลิร์นนิง เรื่องตัวแปรชนิดอาเรย์และสายอักขระ เพื่อพัฒนาผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนและทักษะการคิดแก้ปัญหา ของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 5


  • รัตวลัญช์ ยนปลัดยศ
  • อัคพงศ์ สุขมาตย์
  • ไพฑูรย์ พิมดี


problem-base, e-Learning, learning achievement, problem-solving skill


The objective of this research was to develop on the problem-based e-learning courseware and study learning achievement and problem-solving skill on array and string. The samples of this research were grade 11 students who had studied in semester 2/2561 at Samsenwittayalai school. The samples have been selected by cluster random sampling method 2 classroom of 68 students. The research instruments included the quality assessment of learning management plans, the learning management plans, the quality assessment of e-Learning courseware, the e-Learning courseware, the learning achievement test and the problem-solving skill test. The data were analyzed by using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Efficiency of Process, Efficiency of Product and one-way MANOVA test using Wilks’s Lambda. The results revealed that the quality of learning management plans was very good ( = 4.63), the overall quality of e-Learning courseware was very good ( = 4.84), the efficiency of e-Learning courseware (E1/E2) is equal to 84.41/81.76 and the learning achievement of students and the problem solving skill after learning with inquiry instruction with e-Learning courseware were significantly higher than before learning with conventional method at .05.


