

  • สมลักษณ์ เทพสุริยานนท์
  • ลัดดาวัลย์ แดงเถิน
  • สมศักดิ์ โทจำปา


Elderly care, knowledge, attitude, skill


   This study was quasi-experimental research, using a one-group, pretest-posttest design. Objective was to compare mean score of knowledge, attitude, and practice of elderly care among practical nurse students before and after using elderly care curriculum. The samples were 40 practical nurse students who studied at Phitsanulokborirak School in semester 2562. The research instruments consisted of personal data, knowledge about elderly questionnaire, attitude about elderly questionnaire, skill of elderly care questionnaire, and elderly care curriculum. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-test.     The results showed that after using elderly care curriculum the sample had the mean score of knowledge about elderly and mean score of skill of elderly care higher than before using the curriculum statistically significant at .01 and .05 level. The mean score of attitudes about elderly higher than before using the curriculum but statistically non-significant (p>.05). Therefore, the study suggested that elderly care curriculum should be applied for practical nurse students in order to increase knowledge, attitude, and skill of elderly care among practical nurse students.


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