การพัฒนาตัวชี้วัดสมรรถนะการจัดการเรียนรู้พลศึกษาสำหรับนักศึกษาฝึกประสบการณ์วิชาชีพครู สาขาวิชาพลศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเพื่อรองรับแผนการศึกษาแห่งชาติ


  • จิตติ ชนะฤทธิชัย คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏกาญจนบุรี
  • ธาวุฒิ ปลื้มสำราญ
  • อนันต์ มาลารัตน์


Competency, Physical Education Learning Management, Pre-service Teachers


The purposes of this research were as follows: (1) to synthesize indicators of competency in physical education learning management. Data were collected using semi-structured interview from 5 experts, 20 stakeholders. Content analysis and analytic induction were used to analyze; (2) to construct and develop physical education learning management competency test. Data were collected using questionnaires from 5 experts,20 stakeholders and 20 pre-service teachers in physical education major. Basic statistics was used to analyze.   (3) the agreement between the hypothetical model and the quantitative data. Data were collected using questionnaires with 200 pre-service teachers in physical education major. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to analyze. The results were as follows: (1) the elements of the physical education learning management competency indicators consisted of five elements and forty-three indicators, including eleven indicators of the knowledge related to physical education, ten skill indicators related to teaching physical education, four indicators on the characteristics and the personality types of physical education teachers, four indicators of the motivation and determination of physical education teachers, and four indicators for technological literacy; (2) the validation of indicator results employed second-order confirmatory factor analysis indicators that the model fit the empirical data with value c2= 2.91, P-value = 0.40, df = 3, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.96, RMSEA = 0.00, all of the factors determined were positive with a range between 0.39 – 0.58 and significant at the level of .01; (3) the results of analysis for weighing the importance of the competency elements of physical education learning management showed that the importance of these elements ranked from maximum to minimum were 40.50% in Knowledge, 24.50% in InsSkill, 13.67% in TechLit, 12.73% in AttCha, and 8.60% in Motive.


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