การสำรวจการออกเสียงพูดของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 1 โรงเรียนสาธิต


  • ดารณี ศักดิ์ศิริผล 0851538245
  • รักษ์สิริ แพงป้อง
  • เรวดี เพชรมุณี


Survey, Pronunciation, Demonstration school students


This study aimed to surveying pronunciation in Grade 1 students in a demonstration school. The samples of the study were 212 Grade 1 students in Semester 1 of the academic year 2018 in a demonstration School. The sampling method study was purposive sampling. The experiment was carried for the period of 12 weeks: 5 days per week totaling to 60 days. The research instrument of this study was the articulation test and articulation record form and developed by Daranee Saksiriphol, taking 15 - 20 minutes to administer for each student. The data were analyzed by using average percentage and present by graph.

The study found that among the total of 212 girls and boys in Grade 1 (110 boys and 102 girls), there were boys and girls with articulation problems of 129, 60.85%. There were 79 boys with articulation problems, 71.82% of all the boys (110 boys). There were 50 girls with articulation problems, 49.02% of all the girls (102 girls). In examining each type of articulation problems, it was found that boys and girls have difficulties with onsets, final sounds (Substitution), and consonant blends (Omission). No students had difficulties with vowels and tones.


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