Parenting Skills in the Advent of Early Adolescence
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The objective of this research was to study the early adolescent parenting
skills of the couples in Rajathewee district, Bangkok. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used as Combined Method in data collection and analyses. From the research, parenting skill means “an ability of parents to enhance child’s development and satisfy child’s demands completely and suitably for specific situations in their family”. This research defined factors related to parenting skills as “joint learning between parents”, “family stress”, and “family resources” with a complex relationship between them. Owing to the social and family environment in the Bangkok context having widely impacted parenting practice, methods of early adolescent parenting skills development should be concentrated on the
encouragement of joint learning between parents, an environment favorable to parenting practice, and social mechanisms to support parents in Bangkok.
skills of the couples in Rajathewee district, Bangkok. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used as Combined Method in data collection and analyses. From the research, parenting skill means “an ability of parents to enhance child’s development and satisfy child’s demands completely and suitably for specific situations in their family”. This research defined factors related to parenting skills as “joint learning between parents”, “family stress”, and “family resources” with a complex relationship between them. Owing to the social and family environment in the Bangkok context having widely impacted parenting practice, methods of early adolescent parenting skills development should be concentrated on the
encouragement of joint learning between parents, an environment favorable to parenting practice, and social mechanisms to support parents in Bangkok.
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How to Cite
Ruanpan, C. (2007). Parenting Skills in the Advent of Early Adolescence. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 15(1), 109–137. retrieved from
Research Articles