Causal Relation Analysis and Indices of Midlife Crisis of Employed, Married Thai Women

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Ungsinun Intarakamhang
Chemba Raghavan
Oraphin Choochom
Ashara Sucaromana


This study is an exploration of perceived causal indices of midlife crisis
among married Thai women. The study has the following main objectives; analyzing indices of midlife crisis of married Thai women, and constructing and developing a causal model of midlife crisis of married Thai women. The sample consists of married Thai women working in 3 sectors; government, state- enterprise, and private sector in Bangkok and its Periphery. The ages of participants ranged between 35-55 years old
who have at least 1 child. The sample consists of 1,375 persons. There are 6 latent and 18 observed variables. The measuring instrument is 244 items six-scaled questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients between 0.7646 and 0.9531. LISREL version 8.72 is used for analyzing confirmatory factors. Results indicated the presence of 4 latent factors; personal factors, family factors, working factors and urban-society
factors. All factors were found to have an influence on 2 dependent variables; selfperception of life crisis and impact on individual life crisis. Thus, the hypothesized model of midlife crisis was consistent with the empirical data in all 3 sample groups. The model accounts for 95 % of the variance in government sector group, 84% in state- enterprise sector group, 80% in private sector group, and 89% in all groups.

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How to Cite
Intarakamhang, U., Raghavan, C., Choochom, O., & Sucaromana, A. (2008). Causal Relation Analysis and Indices of Midlife Crisis of Employed, Married Thai Women. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 16(2), 73–94. Retrieved from
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