The Influence of Exercise Motivation on Exercise Behavior among Thai Youth
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In order to understand why young Thai population get involve in their
physical activities, researches need to be done to clarify these questions. This study was to examine the exercise motivation factors that determine the exercise behavior of Thai youth. The Thai Exercise Motivation Scale, based on Li’s Exercise Motivation Scale was developed, and consisted of 31 items. The scale was reliable and shown its value of .82. Subjects were 1,912 (males = 949, females = 963) Thai youth aged between 18
and 22 (M = 19.87, SD =1.31), who regularly exercise in the public parks, health clubs, fitness centers and community stadium throughout Thailand. Confirm factor analysis indicated that the measurement model for 8 subscales of TEMS was fit with the data reasonably well and was regrouped into 4 subscales for better fit due to its statistical values of multi correlation. The test of structural equation model of exercise motivation
and exercise behavior found that extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation are related with exercise behavior of Thai youth. In fact, intrinsic motivation is more influential towards exercise motivation of young Thai participants than extrinsic motivations. Practically, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation techniques are needed to be employed to maintain physical activity among young Thai populations.
physical activities, researches need to be done to clarify these questions. This study was to examine the exercise motivation factors that determine the exercise behavior of Thai youth. The Thai Exercise Motivation Scale, based on Li’s Exercise Motivation Scale was developed, and consisted of 31 items. The scale was reliable and shown its value of .82. Subjects were 1,912 (males = 949, females = 963) Thai youth aged between 18
and 22 (M = 19.87, SD =1.31), who regularly exercise in the public parks, health clubs, fitness centers and community stadium throughout Thailand. Confirm factor analysis indicated that the measurement model for 8 subscales of TEMS was fit with the data reasonably well and was regrouped into 4 subscales for better fit due to its statistical values of multi correlation. The test of structural equation model of exercise motivation
and exercise behavior found that extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation are related with exercise behavior of Thai youth. In fact, intrinsic motivation is more influential towards exercise motivation of young Thai participants than extrinsic motivations. Practically, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation techniques are needed to be employed to maintain physical activity among young Thai populations.
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How to Cite
Jermsuravong, W., Vongjaturapat, N., & Li, F. (2008). The Influence of Exercise Motivation on Exercise Behavior among Thai Youth. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 17(1), 93–114. retrieved from
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