Children Having Children: Unveiling Child Marriage and Its Impact Among Boys and Girls in Vietnam

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Nguyen Van Bao
Yoon Cheong Cho


Research on child marriage has predominantly focused on girls, leaving boys’ experiences largely understudied. This study aims to address this gap by exploring the experiences of child brides and grooms, emphasizing the distinct disadvantages each gender faces. Specifically, it investigates the following research questions: (i) What health and reproductive outcomes are associated with child brides and grooms? (ii) How does child marriage influence discriminatory attitude and stigma among boys and girls? (iii) How does child marriage impact the subjective well-being of both genders? Logistic regression analyses were performed using data from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), a nationally representative survey conducted in Vietnam. The findings revealed significant associations between child marriage and early parenthood for both boys and girls. Child brides were more likely to express negative attitudes toward domestic violence and hold discriminatory views about HIV-positive individuals. Meanwhile, child grooms exhibited a higher likelihood of feeling ashamed of living with HIV-positive individuals. Gender differences also emerged in subjective well-being outcomes. Boys who married early were less likely to perceive their lives improved than those who married later, whereas early-married girls were more likely to have a positive view of their lives. The findings hold significant implications for shaping initiatives to prevent and mitigate child marriage, not only in Vietnam but also throughout the Southeast Asia region.

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How to Cite
Bao, N. V., & Cho, Y. C. . (2025). Children Having Children: Unveiling Child Marriage and Its Impact Among Boys and Girls in Vietnam. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 34(-), 23–38. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Nguyen Van Bao, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea

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