Healthy Aging in Place: Technology Utilization Among Older Adults in Khlong Mahasawat, Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand

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Mark Stephan Felix
Patreeya Kitcharoen


This research sought to explore the social support needs of older adults who age in place and their health-related technology utilization. A qualitative exploratory phenomenological approach framed the research. Twenty-one participants were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling in collaboration with health and community leaders from a sub-district hospital in Khlong Mahasawat, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Data were collected using one-on-one interviews. All interviews were audio recorded, translated, and transcribed. Data were analyzed via content analysis matrices and interpreted using the phenomenological principles of intersubjectivity, internalization, and externalization. Sources of social support for using health-related technology by older adults who age in place included family members, community members, and health professionals. Data indicated the necessity for the social support of affordable digital devices, educational health-related social support, and customized social support for and by older adults. The heterogeneity of the older adult population who age in place, its increasing health concerns, and literacy levels require personalizing social support measures to promote further use of health-related technology. The limited use of health-related technology may be ameliorated by including stakeholders in creating customized social support programs, including older adults in policymaking regarding health-related technology creation and use, and including older adults in online scam education and prevention.

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How to Cite
Felix, M. S., & Kitcharoen, P. (2025). Healthy Aging in Place: Technology Utilization Among Older Adults in Khlong Mahasawat, Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 34(-), 39–63. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Mark Stephan Felix, Department of Society and Health, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University, Thailand

Corresponding author


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