Developing a Policy Model to Support Family Caregivers of Dependent Older Adults in Bangkok
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This article aims to present the situation of family caregivers of dependent older individuals in the Bangkok area and proposes a model policy to support them. This study used mixed methods with a multi-phase design. Based on 357 participants, the results indicate that family caregivers in Bangkok faced problems, with moderate levels ( = 2.51) in caring for older dependents and their roles as direct caregivers. Yet, they hold high expectations for support ( = 3.86). The proposed model comprises four components derived from exploratory factor analysis of quantitative data, supplemented by qualitative data from a case study involving five individuals, tested and assessed by Bangkok executives or representatives (totaling six individuals), along with seven practitioners supporting older adult caregivers. These components include establishing systems, mechanisms, rights, and welfare; supporting work and relaxation; creating all-inclusive care service units for dependent older individuals; and providing medical and public health services. Implementing local-level policies is crucial for supporting family caregivers, with the Department of Older Persons collaborating with civil society for integration and engagement. Through this collaboration, concrete forms of support for family caregivers of independent older individuals are expected to be established.
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