Stay Active, Do Not Retire: Strategies for Older Persons to Remain in the Workforce in Community Enterprise in Thailand

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Cholvit Jearajit
Saichol Panyachit
Phoobade Wanitchanon
Chaiwatchara Promjittiphong
Tannikarn Soonsinpai
Sorasun Rungsiyanont


Given the societal transition towards a more inclusive society of older persons, encouraging job opportunities is another mechanism to address challenges associated with this shrinking workforce and strengthen active aging, leading to the value of older persons. This study introduces a framework for older persons based on community enterprises to bridge the gaps in previous research. It sheds more light on sustainable improvement in the older person’s quality of life. Another objective is to explore supportive methods for older persons’ well-being and job security. Based on a qualitative approach, the study adopted semi-structured interviews, group discussions, and observational methods from 20 older people. The findings indicate that older persons transform resources, encompassing social, cultural, human, economic, and psychological capital, which are utilized in strategies for aging well. Regarding work-related strategy, the employment status of older persons is closely tied to their membership status. Furthermore, this study reveals that older persons’ job security is associated with meaningful use of leisure time and the development of diverse skills.

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How to Cite
Jearajit, C., Panyachit, S., Wanitchanon, P., Promjittiphong, C., Soonsinpai, T., & Rungsiyanont, S. . (2024). Stay Active, Do Not Retire: Strategies for Older Persons to Remain in the Workforce in Community Enterprise in Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 33(.), 301–316. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Saichol Panyachit, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

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