Beyond Tradition: Exploring Alternative Marital Strategies for Belis in the Southwest Sumba Regency
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In Southwest Sumba, the belis tradition, or bride price, is a crucial aspect of marriage practices. While the system is intended to honor and show appreciation for the bride and her family, symbolizing the groom’s commitment and respect, it often results in substantial financial burdens, causing social dilemmas and prompting alternative practices. Based on this fact, this paper investigates the influence of the belis tradition and the emergence of alternative marriage practices in Southwest Sumba. Through qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews and participatory observations in the Southwest Sumba Regency, the experiences and perspectives of individuals involved in belis practice are explored. The result showed that financial constraints and the burden of belis obligations prompt some couples to seek alternatives such as dowo koro [entering the room], pregnancy out of wedlock [pakabu ulu], and elopement [pakodong], or softer approaches like paying belis and postponing marriage [kahaya ulu mata]. They go beyond tradition. These alternatives reflect shifting social norms regarding financial considerations, independence, and relationship equality. The study contributes to understanding the complexities of marriage and belis traditions in Southwest Sumba, particularly among young people in the Perono community of the Buku Bani site. It emphasizes the evolving nature of marriage within changing cultural contexts and underscores the importance of recognizing individual values and aspirations.
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