The Exploration of Perceptions, Attitudes, and Preventive Behaviors Regarding COVID-19 Among People in Northern Thailand After the Peak Outbreak Period: A Qualitative Study
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After COVID-19 peak outbreaks, maintaining adherence to preventive measures remains challenging but critical to prevent resurgence. This study examined COVID-19 perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and barriers among Northern Thais during waning crises. Thirty-six participants participated in focus groups, and 11 completed in-depth interviews regarding COVID-19 perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and obstacles after regional peak outbreaks. Thematic analysis identified key themes. The results revealed that participants perceived COVID-19 severity and risks had decreased compared to peak crises. Attitudes were that public health agencies less strictly enforced control measures. Mask-wearing, distancing, and other preventive behaviors declined sharply. Complacency, fatigue, reduced messaging, and enforcement were cited as barriers. As peak COVID-19 outbreaks stabilize, risk perceptions can decline, reducing adherence to restrictions and preventives. Renewed messaging and motivation strategies are imperative to prevent premature control relaxation during waning crises. Ongoing communication should sustain public understanding of persisting risks and appropriate precautions.
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