Community Care Strategies for Older Adults Facing Hardships: Insights from Central Thailand

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Bualun Hinkaew
Khanitta Nuntaboot


The focus of the study is to analyze the community care approach for older adults facing hardships in the social and cultural context of the central region of Thailand. To obtain insightful information, a qualitative research study was performed using observation methods, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, secondary data, and field notes. A group of 85 key informants consisting of local administrative organizations (LAO), public sector officers from health service units, community leaders, civil groups, older adults facing hardships, and family caregivers participated in the study. There are nine approaches employed in the community care practices for older adults facing hardships as follows: 1) providing social welfare; 2) preparing and using information; 3) developing a service system; 4) developing potential in caring for older adults; 5) adjusting the environment to ensure its contribution to the living conditions; 6) rules, regulations, agreements, and policies; 7) creating job opportunities; 8) building food security; and 9) building and strengthening community networks. Understanding in-depth information regarding the nature of older adults, community strategies, and community involvement assists nurses in health management and increasing skills and knowledge on providing care for older adults.

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How to Cite
Hinkaew, B., & Nuntaboot, K. . (2024). Community Care Strategies for Older Adults Facing Hardships: Insights from Central Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 33(.), 45–69. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Khanitta Nuntaboot, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Corresponding author


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