Investigating the Challenges in Alcoholic Beverage Control and Law Enforcement: Analyzing Binge Drinking Prevalence Among the Working-Age Population in Thailand Based on 2017 National Survey

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Nakarin Prasit
Wongsa Laohasiriwong
Ampawan Nonthamat
Puwanart Sresutham
Nattaporn Nidthumsakul
Nathakon Nilnate
Nopparat Senahad


This study aimed to determine the prevalence of binge drinking and to investigate the association between socioeconomic factors, risk behaviors, and problems in enforcing the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law among the working-age population in Thailand. Utilizing data from the Smoking and Drinking Behaviors Survey 2017 conducted by the National Statistical Office of Thailand, the study analyzed responses from 61,708 participants. A multilevel logistic analysis was employed to identify the association between issues in enforcing alcoholic beverage control laws and binge drinking, controlling for the effects of covariates and presenting adjusted odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. Among the 61,708 respondents, the prevalence of binge drinking was found to be 11.47%. Factors related to the enforcement of alcoholic beverage control laws were significantly associated with binge drinking. Other notable covariates included being male, age, and tobacco consumption. Gaps in the enforcement of alcohol regulations have led to increased alcohol consumption among the working-age population. Consequently, the implementation of rigorous public interest legislation is necessary. This includes setting surveillance standards to strictly monitor alcohol sales, particularly to youth and adolescents, enhancing moral awareness, and increasing penalties for violations of alcohol control laws. Additionally, there is a need to promote the development of practical and comprehensive policies and penalties for breaching alcohol control laws in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Prasit, N., Laohasiriwong, W. ., Nonthamat, A. ., Sresutham, P., Nidthumsakul, N. ., Nilnate, N. ., & Senahad, N. . (2024). Investigating the Challenges in Alcoholic Beverage Control and Law Enforcement: Analyzing Binge Drinking Prevalence Among the Working-Age Population in Thailand Based on 2017 National Survey. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 32, 481–493. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Nopparat Senahad, Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Corresponding author


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