Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Adolescent Mothers in Indonesia: Does Maternal Education Level Matter?
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Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is a vital element in the early stages of life. Feeding newborns solely breast milk from birth until they are six months old is sufficient. However, EBF by adolescent mothers is still not optimal. The study analyzed the effect of maternal education on EBF among babies with adolescent mothers in Indonesia. The cross-sectional study examined 560 babies (a–5 months). We analyzed EBF practice as a dependent variable. We included six mothers' characteristics (education, residence, age, marital, employment, and wealth) and two baby characteristics (sex and early breastfeeding initiation) as independent variables. In this study, the initial stage was a bivariate analysis using chi-square. Then, a multicollinearity test was conducted to ensure no strong relationship between the independent variables. Finally, a multivariate test was conducted to determine the factors of EBF in babies with adolescent mothers. The results showed that adolescent mothers with primary education were 2.920 times more likely than those without education to perform EBF (AOR = 2.920, 95% CI [2.521–3.382]). Moreover, adolescent mothers with secondary education were 2.325 times more likely to achieve EBF than those without (AOR = 2.325, 95% CI [2.001–2.701]). The study concluded that all education levels were likelier to perform EBF than those without formal education. Further research is needed to understand the breastfeeding experience of adolescent mothers. Exceptional support and attention regarding EBF should be directed to adolescent mothers who are without formal education.
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