Assessment of Quality of Life and Work Motivation Among the Aging Workforce in Suphan Buri, Thailand

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Siriluk Pichainarongk
Satesh Bidaisee


Demographic changes due to the reduced birth rate and aging in the population increase the proportion of older persons in the workforce. This article explores the determinants of and impacts on quality of life and motivation for work among the aging workforce of Suphan Buri, Thailand. Using a cross-sectional, mixed-methods approach from surveys and interviews with older persons, the quality of life of the older people in Suphan Buri was assessed as variable and dependent on their health and socioeconomic statuses. Personal characteristics of family and community, together with health and financial status, reflected quality of life and work motivation. A concept model connected the concepts of Relational, Income, Care, and Environmental (RICE) factors from analyzing themes to determine the quality of life and work motivation outcomes. Quality of life and work motivational factors for the aging workforce are also essential for the sustainability of agricultural and economic performance measures and production outcomes for Suphan Buri, Thailand. Efforts focusing on financial literacy, occupational policies, practices, and promoting family relationships, health status, and social engagements should be a strategy to prepare for aging and support a better quality of life and work experience.

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How to Cite
Pichainarongk, S., & Bidaisee, S. (2024). Assessment of Quality of Life and Work Motivation Among the Aging Workforce in Suphan Buri, Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 33(.), 544–561. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Siriluk Pichainarongk, Kasetsart University, Thailand

Corresponding author


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