The Role of Remittances and Other External Factors on Poverty Dynamic Among Thai Households: Evidence from a Panel Data Survey 2007–2017
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This study aimed to analyze the determinants of poverty in Thailand using Thai Socio-Economic Survey (SES) panel data from 2007 to 2017. Employing the multinomial logit models, the study demonstrated the significance of several external factors influencing poverty incidence and its severity. On the one hand, receiving remittances and having a secondary source of income proved effective in reducing the likelihood of falling into poverty and lessening the severity of poverty. On the other hand, households primarily reliant on non-wage or agricultural sectors as their income sources faced an increased risk of being classified as poor households. This study proposed a poverty reduction policy focusing on enhancing human capital among people experiencing poverty. It also advocates promoting and implementing public employment programs to mitigate volatility and uncertainty, particularly among vulnerable households.
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