Clustering of Communicable Diseases in Indonesia and the Factors that Affect Them: 2018 Basic Health Research Data Statistical Review

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Muhammad Nur Aidi
Taufiqur Rakhim Aditra
Fitrah Ernawati
Nunung Nurjanah
Efriwati Efriwati
Elisa Diana Julianti
Dian Sundari
Fifi Retiaty
Rika Rachmawati
Rita Marleta Dewi
Widoretno Widoretno


The prevalence of communicable diseases in Indonesia is still high and causes morbidity and mortality in several Indonesian provinces. This cross-sectional study classified provinces based on the prevalence of seven communicable diseases: acute respiratory infections (ARI), pneumonia, diarrhea, filariasis, malaria, hepatitis, and tuberculosis (TB). The study analyzed the 2018 Indonesian Basic Health Research data. It is essential to categorize these diseases to identify regions with low, moderate, and high prevalence and the factors that affect them to facilitate the treatment of these diseases. Grouping provinces and influenced factors were analyzed using K-means, ANOVA, and stepwise regression. The results revealed that Group 1 shows a high prevalence, except for hepatitis and diarrhea. Group 2 demonstrates a moderate prevalence, excluding hepatitis and diarrhea, while Group 3 has a low prevalence. Improved access to primary healthcare services reduced the prevalence of pneumonia and TB, while using insecticide-treated mosquito nets for less than three years increased the prevalence of ARI and pneumonia. Adequate bedroom lighting reduced the prevalence of ARI, whereas being underweight in individuals over 18 increased it. In individuals aged 16–18 with short stature, there was an increase in the prevalence of hepatitis and malaria. Regularly draining the bathtub once a week and ensuring proper bedroom ventilation reduced the incidence of diarrhea. Using improved long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) for mosquitos led to a decrease in filariasis cases. Specific factors influence each communicable disease and necessitate a multisectoral approach for effective treatment.

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How to Cite
Aidi, M. N., Aditra, T. R. ., Ernawati, F. ., Nurjanah, N. ., Efriwati, E. ., Julianti, E. D. ., Sundari, D. ., Retiaty, F. ., Rachmawati, R. ., Dewi, R. M. ., & Widoretno, W. . (2024). Clustering of Communicable Diseases in Indonesia and the Factors that Affect Them: 2018 Basic Health Research Data Statistical Review. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 33(.), 88–109. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Muhammad Nur Aidi, Department of Statistics, IPB University, Bogor

Corresponding author


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