Unmet Healthcare Needs and Their Determining Factors: Addressing Inequalities in Access to Healthcare in Myanmar
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Myanmar aims to achieve universal health coverage by 2030 through the 2017–2021 National Health Plan while providing nearly cost-free healthcare services at public facilities. Nonetheless, concerns regarding healthcare access persist. This study examined healthcare access in Myanmar by identifying the prevalence, determinants, and reasons behind unmet healthcare needs (UHN), which occur when an individual needs healthcare but cannot access it. Descriptive statistical analysis and binary logistic regression were employed using data obtained from 318 residents of Tat Kon Township, Nay Pyi Taw. Among the participants, 23.6% experienced UHN. Specifically, individuals with low income, daily-waged workers, rural residents, younger individuals, and females reported high UHN. The primary reason was the unavailability of healthcare facilities (46.7%), followed by competing personal priorities (19%) and treatment or transportation costs (14%). The government could consider expanding public healthcare infrastructure and implementing a nationwide health insurance system. Continuing the geographic expansion of health services to address the needs of rural residents and extending service hours to accommodate individuals engaged in daily-waged or full-time employment are recommended. These efforts could be complemented by improving public transportation infrastructure, promoting income security, and supporting gender equity to facilitate access to healthcare services.
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