Urban Living With Style: An Exploratory Survey of Bangkok Generation Y’s Lifestyle
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This study is a preliminary exploration of the lifestyle typologies of Generation Y in Bangkok, Thailand. Drawing upon an AIOs (Activities, Interests, Opinions) approach, 126 statements were developed to segment them into groups. A field survey was employed through questionnaires to collect data from this cohort. A total of 455 responses were analyzed through an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) technique. Eight distinct lifestyle segments were identified: the On-trend Netizens, Adrenaline-addicts, Self-care Traditionalists, Concerned Pragmatists, Safe-centered Family Person, Materialists, Emotional Facebookers, and Soap Haters. Each segment has unique characteristics. The findings show the nuances of the lifestyles of Generation Y in Bangkok, laying the foundations for a better understanding of this group. It is beneficial for marketing practitioners to develop appropriate communication strategies, products, and services accordingly.
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