Trend and Factors Associated With Unintended Pregnancy Among Currently Married Women in Nepal

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Rita Devi Karki
Naba Raj Thapa
Govind Subedi
Tek Mani Karki


Unintended pregnancy, a critical concern in both human rights and public health, emphasizes women’s fundamental right to make decisions about their fertility, which is vital for their reproductive choices. The study aimed at examining the trends and factors related to unintended pregnancy, an area that has received less focus in previous research. This study analyzed 15 years of data (2001–2016) from four national surveys in Nepal, focusing on currently married women aged 15–49 who were currently pregnant or had the last birth experienced within five years before the survey. The sample included 4,694, 4,006, 4,104, and 3,966 females from the 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016 surveys respectively. This study used bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis to examine unintended pregnancy. In 2001, 39.4% of women experienced an unintended pregnancy, but over 15 years, this rate decreased by almost half, reaching 19.9% in 2016. Age, number of household members, wealth index, age at first birth, children ever born, fertility preference, unmet need for family planning, and husband’s desire for children were significantly associated with unintended pregnancy in all the survey years. The results suggest a need for policies that ensure all pregnancies are intended, promoting reproductive rights and justice for women.

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How to Cite
Karki, R. D., Thapa, N. R., Subedi, G. ., & Karki, T. M. . (2024). Trend and Factors Associated With Unintended Pregnancy Among Currently Married Women in Nepal. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 33(.), 26–44. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Rita Devi Karki, Department of Population Studies, Ratna Rajyalaxmi Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

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