Women as Public Transport Providers: A Qualitative Study of the Perception of Female Tricycle Riders in Nigeria

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Eyo Mensah
Offiong Ebong
Queen Ayeni
Felix Eze


The public transport sector in Nigeria has often been stereotyped as male-dominated. Over the years, the upsurge in the unemployment rate and the necessity of economic empowerment have pushed women to adopt commercial tricycle riding as a livelihood. This article explores the perception of women as tricycle riders by passengers and commuters in Ikeja, Lagos State, southwestern Nigeria. The study is anchored on the social role theory, which argues that gender stereotype is a product of the gendered division of labor that assigns social roles to men and women based on culturally approved norms and standards. Data for the study were sourced through qualitative ethnographic approaches involving focus groups and semi-structured interviews with thirty participants (N = 30) who were purposively sampled. The authors argue that even though women are rising to the moment regarding competence and performance standards as tricycle riders, gender stereotypes constrain their acceptance and patronage in the business. We further demonstrate that unfavorable career evaluations promote bias against female tricycle riders. In this way, gender discrimination is deeply entrenched in the public transport sector in Nigeria. The study advocates for a more inclusive career culture and practices where men and women can feel valued and earn a living without discrimination and marginalization.

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How to Cite
Mensah, E., Ebong, O., Ayeni, Q., & Eze, F. (2023). Women as Public Transport Providers: A Qualitative Study of the Perception of Female Tricycle Riders in Nigeria. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 31, 832–848. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jpss/article/view/265127
Research Articles
Author Biography

Eyo Mensah, Department of Linguistics, University of Calabar, Nigeria

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