Comparison of Population Mortality Rates in Ukraine and Poland: A Spatial Aspect

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Roman S. Molikevych


The main task of the article is to analyze the dynamics of mortality in Poland and Ukraine and to establish similar regional types of mortality structure by the leading causes. The novelty of this research is to analyze the objects of study from the standpoint of typical regional medical and demographic systems, along with the subsequent typification of administrative units. This approach is due to several factors: the growing rate of migration of Ukrainians to Poland and the similarity of the problems of industrial regions and coastal and mountainous regions. The article presents the results of a comparative geographical study on mortality rates in Poland and Ukraine. The study establishes that the level of mortality is radically different in the two countries. For example, the mortality rate in Poland is 1.4 times lower than in Ukraine. However, Poland is affected by typical problems of European countries, such as an increase in mortality rate from neoplasm and diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems. The leading cause of mortality in Ukraine is cardiovascular diseases, the share of which continues to grow. The highest mortality rates in spatial aspects are recorded in the central and coastal territories of both states, which, together with the analysis of the structure of the leading causes of death according to regions, allow us to remark on similar types of mortality in both states. In accordance, cluster analysis made it possible to identify the high, medium, and low types of mortality structure in both states.

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How to Cite
Molikevych, R. S. . (2022). Comparison of Population Mortality Rates in Ukraine and Poland: A Spatial Aspect. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 31, 235–248. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Roman S. Molikevych, Department of Geography and Ecology, Kherson State University, Ukraine

Corresponding author


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