Does Having Single or Both Parents Impact the Sustainability of Schooling for Students Aged 7–18 in Indonesia?

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Riska Eka Agustina
Sri Rum Giyarsih
Evita Hanie Pangaribowo


The problem of dropping out of school continues to overshadow the sustainability of schooling for 7–18-year-olds in Indonesia. Having the support of both parents plays a vital role in supporting the sustainability of children’s education. This study aims to analyze the effect of the presence of parents (both parents or one parent) on the probability of schooling sustainability among 7–18-year-old students. This research uses data from SUSENAS 2019 and PODES 2019. The study was carried out using descriptive analysis and binary logistic regression. The results of this study indicate that the presence of both parents has a significant and positive effect on the probability of schooling sustainability for 7–18-year-olds. It is necessary to strive for potent family resilience to achieve the sustainability of schooling for students aged 7–18. These efforts can be made through more intense and comprehensive socialization and outreach on issues relating to family resilience for the whole family. This outcome can be achieved by developing activities that can strengthen the roles of both parents in supporting the sustainability of their children’s schooling, either through financial or social support.

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How to Cite
Agustina, R. E., Giyarsih, S. R., & Pangaribowo, E. H. (2023). Does Having Single or Both Parents Impact the Sustainability of Schooling for Students Aged 7–18 in Indonesia?. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 31, 696–707. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Sri Rum Giyarsih, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

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