Tobacco Cessation Among Youths in Eastern India: Evidence from National Family Health Survey 2015–2016

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Nilanjana Gupta
Papia Raj


India is the world’s second-largest consumer of tobacco. The country’s eastern region, which comprises four states, is more susceptible to tobacco consumption and adverse outcomes than the rest. This study explores the prevalence, regional variation, and correlates of tobacco cessation in the eastern region. This analysis is based on the National Family Health Survey (NFHS 4) data comprising 665 females and 2016 males of the 15–24 age group who tried and/or were advised to quit tobacco. In this study, tobacco cessation is considered an outcome variable, and socioeconomic characteristics are considered a predictor variable. Bivariate and regression analyses are used to correlate tobacco cessation with socioeconomic factors. Variation in tobacco cessation is noticed in the `eastern states. Self-attempted to quit tobacco is highest among males in Odisha (39.84%), whereas, in West Bengal, a higher number of females (26.89%) self-attempted to quit. Youth belonging to 20–24 years (OR = 1.19, 95% CI [0.95, 1.49], p = .604) are more likely to self-quit tobacco than those 15–19 years of age. Similarly, improving education increases tobacco cessation. Tobacco cessation is higher based on quit advice from healthcare providers than self-quitting behavior. The analysis indicates that youth tobacco consumption in eastern states is quite alarming.

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How to Cite
Gupta, N., & Raj, P. (2023). Tobacco Cessation Among Youths in Eastern India: Evidence from National Family Health Survey 2015–2016. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 31, 403–416. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Nilanjana Gupta, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India

Corresponding author


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