Intra-Uterine Mortality in Morocco: Measures and Impact on Fertility

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Aicha Mourchid
Fatima Bakass


A recent universal public health problem, intrauterine mortality (IUM), is probably the least documented demographic and social phenomenon in Morocco caused by data scarcity. This study aims to measure the IUM’s intensity and effect on women’s fertility. IUM quotients and their components (early fetal and late fetal mortality) were estimated by constructing the mortality table. An empirical examination of IUM’s impact on fertility was conducted using a direct method, the Bongaarts model (1978) and Leridon (2002) method. The data is from the 2009–2010 National Demographic Survey. The results show that in 2009–2010, the IUM quotient reached 272% pregnancies: 290% in urban areas versus 251% in rural areas. This IUM reduced potential fertility by 6% using the direct method. In particular, abortion reduced potential fertility by 5% versus 3.5% in 2009–2010, using the Bongaarts and Leridon methods. Given the importance of abortion, its impact on fertility, and its multidimensional consequences, it is interesting to research the determinants associated with the recourse to abortion as a significant public health issue.

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How to Cite
Mourchid, A., & Bakass, F. (2022). Intra-Uterine Mortality in Morocco: Measures and Impact on Fertility. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 30, 679–702. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Aicha Mourchid, National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, GEAS3D Laboratory, Morocco

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