Beliefs and Traditional Medicine Use Among Vietnamese Older Adults: The Case Study in Hoc Mon District

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Thi Ngoc Phuc Le
Mark Stephan Felix
Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin
Seung Chun Paek


The paper explores traditional medicine beliefs among older Vietnamese persons in the Hoc Mon district. Twenty-two respondents aged 62 to 82 years and nine key informants were recruited. Bourdieu’s theory of practice was used to analyze data through thematic analysis. The main findings explore two models of traditional medicine used in the aging population to control chronic diseases and post-stroke: (1) the switch from western to traditional medicine and (2) the use of both western and traditional medicine. Moreover, traditional medicine use is influenced by beliefs about susceptibility and severity of disease, the pros and cons of traditional medicine, and beliefs about traditional medicine practitioners. This exploratory study may shed more light on the promotion of traditional medicine for health and health management for the aging population in Vietnam.

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How to Cite
Le, T. N. P., Felix, M. S. ., Ratanawijitrasin, S. ., & Paek, S. C. . (2023). Beliefs and Traditional Medicine Use Among Vietnamese Older Adults: The Case Study in Hoc Mon District. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 31, 381–402. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Thi Ngoc Phuc Le, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University, Thailand

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