Household Poverty and Contraceptive Non-Intention Among Women of Childbearing Age in Union in Burundi: Validity of the Theory of Intergenerational Flows of Wealth

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Jean François Régis Sindayihebura
Didier Nganawara
René Manirakiza


The Republic of Burundi wants to control population growth by increasing the prevalence of contraception by 1.5% per year. However, the intention to use modern contraception is declining among women of childbearing age. The proportion of women wishing to use contraception has dropped from 66% in 2010 to 53% in 2016–2017. This research aims to verify whether household poverty is at the root of this contraceptive non-intention of women whose couples hope for better wealth from a large group of offspring. Data from the 2010 and 2016–2017 Demographic and Health Surveys of Burundi were analyzed using multilevel logistic regression. There is no significant difference in contraceptive non-intention found between women from poor households and those with medium standards of living (p = .587 ˃ .05) or rich (p = .098 ˃ .05) in 2010 or between women from wealthy households and those from poor (p = .101 ˃ .05) or medium (p = .689 ˃ .05) standards of living in 2016–2017. Standard of living does not count among the principal factors of contraceptive non-intention in Burundi. Instead, attention should be paid to sociocultural factors.

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How to Cite
Sindayihebura, J. F. R., Nganawara, D., & Manirakiza, R. (2022). Household Poverty and Contraceptive Non-Intention Among Women of Childbearing Age in Union in Burundi: Validity of the Theory of Intergenerational Flows of Wealth. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 31, 80–94. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Jean François Régis Sindayihebura, Doctoral School of the University of Burundi, Burundi

Corresponding author

Didier Nganawara, Institute of Demographic Training and Research, University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon

Prof. Didier Nganawara is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Yaounde II (Cameroon). He is also the Director of Studies and Training at the Institute of Training and Demographic Research. This article has benefited from his experiences in statistical data analysis, especially multilevel modeling.

René Manirakiza, Center for Research and Studies on the Development of Societies in Reconstruction, University of Burundi, Burundi

Pr. René Manirakiza is an Associate Professor at the University of Burundi. He is our colleague at the Center for Research and Studies on the Development of Societies in Reconstruction (CREDSR). This research benefited from his critical thinking of the results and his mastery of subjects of population and development in the Burundian context


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