The Double Burden of Work and Life and Turnover Intention Among Migrant Garment Workers: A Case Study From an Industrial Zone in Vietnam

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Cong Tuan Pham
Dung Phung
Thi Lien Huong Nguyen
Thi Vinh Nguyen
Cordia Chu


This study aims to determine the prevalence and associated factors of turnover intention among interprovincial migrant workers in garment companies in a rapidly urbanizing area of Vietnam. This study employed a mixed method approach, beginning with in-depth interviews with 12 migrant garment workers to develop survey instruments, which were then used in a quantitative survey. The survey recruited and interviewed 328 inter-provincial migrant workers working in garment factories using a social mapping sampling method. Multivariable backward stepwise logistic regression analysis was used to investigate factors associated with worker turnover intention. The results show a high prevalence of turnover intention (46.3%) among the survey participants. High psychological demand (OR = 2.5, 95% CI [1.4, 4.4], p < .001), low job control, income dissatisfaction (OR = 3, 95% CI [1.5, 6], p < .01), migration intention (OR = 13, 95% CI [7, 24], p < .001) and male gender (OR = 2.5, 95% CI [1.3, 4.8], p < .01) are factors significantly associated with turnover intention among migrant workers. This study provides a model for understanding migrant laborers’ turnover intentions in the garment industry, as well as critical data for developing needs-based intervention programs for this vulnerable group, such as appropriate resettlement strategies and the creation of a healthy working environment, both of which could play essential roles in the garment industry’s workforce retention.

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How to Cite
Pham, C. T., Phung, D., Nguyen, T. L. H., Nguyen, T. V., & Chu, C. (2023). The Double Burden of Work and Life and Turnover Intention Among Migrant Garment Workers: A Case Study From an Industrial Zone in Vietnam. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 31, 612–636. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Cong Tuan Pham, Centre for Environment and Population Health, School of medicine, Griffith University, Australia

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