Collaboration on Urban Regeneration: Perspectives Towards Transit-Oriented Development Between Local Entrepreneurs and Key Stakeholders in Salaya Sub-District, Thailand

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Somsiri Siewwuttanagul
Wasaporn Techapeeraparnich
Natachai Wongchavalidkul
Siradol Siridhara


This study focuses on the future changes to the urban form around the Salaya railway station, which will be developed as a terminal station of the Bangkok metro service. The purpose is to investigate stakeholder attitudes to the transit-oriented development (TOD) approach to the station premises. The attitudes of local businesses and key stakeholders to joint programs on infrastructure development and the surrounding area are identified as local businesses encouraging the collaborative urban regeneration program. The approach uses scenarios as a tool for participatory planning to help identify future applications, including a workshop in two parts. The first part was conducted using group interviews with local entrepreneurs to raise the idea of the collaborative urban regeneration program. The second part was an evaluation of the program by the three key stakeholder groups: municipality, railway operators, and real estate investors. The scenarios evaluated by the key stakeholders indicate the different attitudes to the collaborative urban regeneration program depending on the role of each stakeholder. The collaborative program developed by local entrepreneurs can be classified by economic and physical factors. The findings suggest a common aspect for future collaboration in marketing strategies, such as advertising representing localness, as both local entrepreneurs and key stakeholders mostly agreed on the program. Disagreement on collaborative urban regeneration depends more on the specific role of the company or organization.

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How to Cite
Siewwuttanagul, S., Techapeeraparnich, W., Wongchavalidkul, N., & Siridhara, S. (2022). Collaboration on Urban Regeneration: Perspectives Towards Transit-Oriented Development Between Local Entrepreneurs and Key Stakeholders in Salaya Sub-District, Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 31, 95–110. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Somsiri Siewwuttanagul, The Cluster of Logistics and Rail Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University

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