The Correlation Between Self-Care Behavior with Application of Eastern Wisdom and Resilience Among Village Health Volunteers: A Cross-Sectional Study in Southern Thailand

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Kenika Jiratchayaporn
Wilawan Christraksa
Pattraporn Worrasirinara


The job of village health volunteers (VHVs) is to coordinate between Thai government departments and the public. Such work can lead to boredom, discouragement, and physical and mental exhaustion. Therefore, strengthening the positive ability of VHVs can help them cope with fatigue. It is essential to continue supporting VHVs; consequently, it is necessary to incorporate Eastern wisdom into healthcare provided for village health volunteers. Purposive sampling was used in this descriptive research to study the relationship between self-care behaviors by applying Eastern wisdom to support and enhance the mental strength of the VHVs. The sample consisted of 77 VHVs in Southern Thailand. Demographic data questionnaire, self-care behavior questionnaire by applying Eastern wisdom, and resilience questionnaire were used to collect data. Pearson’s correlation was used to analyze data. The relationship between self-care behavior by applying Eastern wisdom and resilience was found to have a statistically significant positive correlation (r = .246, p < .05). The relationship between self-care behavior by applying Eastern wisdom and resilience in this study was weak, but there was a positive correlation. Thus, health care providers should promote and integrate Eastern wisdom into self-care activities with VHVs.

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How to Cite
Jiratchayaporn, K., Christraksa, W., & Worrasirinara, P. (2022). The Correlation Between Self-Care Behavior with Application of Eastern Wisdom and Resilience Among Village Health Volunteers: A Cross-Sectional Study in Southern Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 30, 240–250. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Pattraporn Worrasirinara, Division of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University (Hat Yai campus), Thailand

Corresponding author


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