Investigation of Early Marriage: A Phenomenology Study in the Society of Bawean Island, Indonesia

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Singgih Susilo
Novia Fitri Istiawati
Muhammad Aliman
Muhammad Zulfi Alghani


The research aimed to interpret the perceptions of early marriage, the union of two people in which one or both are under 18 years of age, through a phenomenological approach. The analysis was performed using observation techniques along with participation in in-depth interviews supported with an inductive approach of documentation analysis. The results showed that the society in Bawean Island, Indonesia, perceived the need for early marriage of 15-16 years old girls as matchmaking, avoidance of the social sanction of fornication and out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and as an economical solution for parents to shift responsibility. The results further showed that matchmaking and the avoidance of fornication are significant motivators for early marriage. Also, it was found that early marriages caused adverse effects on the wife, husband, and children. The effects are related to cases of pregnancy complication for the wife and psychological stress for the husband. The effect on children born of the early marriage is mainly neonatal infant mortality. The solutions offered to support the population development target and decrease early marriage numbers are to improve access to health facilities and information for women, and overcome cultural and social norms by discussing the impacts of early marriage with social and religious figures and stakeholders. The research can be used by the National Population and Family Planning Board (Indonesia) to decrease the number of early marriages in society.

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How to Cite
Susilo, S., Istiawati, N. F., Aliman, M., & Alghani, M. Z. (2021). Investigation of Early Marriage: A Phenomenology Study in the Society of Bawean Island, Indonesia. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 29(-), 544–562. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Muhammad Aliman, Department of Geography, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

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