Masturbation Experience: A Case Study of Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh

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Md. Razwan Hasan Khan Chowdhury
Mohammad Rocky Khan Chowdhury
Nasrin Sultana Nipa
Russell Kabir
Mohammad Ali Moni
Maria Kordowicz


In Bangladesh, masturbation is considered an impious activity. It has been widely documented that free access to internet porn has led to high incidences of masturbation, especially among the youth. This study attempts to understand the prevalence and practice of masturbation among university students in Bangladesh. The methodology adopted was semi-structured interviews with 299 students from a private university in Khulna, west Bangladesh. The sample was selected using stratified sampling techniques from different academic departments (strata) of the university. Chi-square test and binary logistic regression were performed to examine the association between masturbation and access to online pornography.

The prevalence of masturbation among the students was 33.00% and it was found to be significantly higher among male students (42.20%). Students who watched pornography at least once a week or once a month were more likely to masturbate, with OR 161.43 (OR: 161.43, CI=38.64-674.39) and 112.3 (OR: 112.30, CI=22.80-553.22).

The study provides the foundation for understanding the practice of masturbation among students in Bangladesh, with the aim of normalizing this activity.

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How to Cite
Chowdhury, M. R. H. K., Chowdhury, M. R. K., Nipa, N. S., Kabir, R., Moni, M. A., & Kordowicz, M. (2019). Masturbation Experience: A Case Study of Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 27(4), 359–372. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Russell Kabir, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Corresponding author


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