Impact of Application of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy on the Well‐Being of Thai Population: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Relevant Studies

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Proloy Barua
Phudit Tejativaddhana


This paper summarizes the impact of Sufficient Economy Philosophy (SEP) on the well-being of Thais by selecting and reviewing relevant studies published in English. Twenty electronic studies were accessed based on inclusion criteria after the primary and secondary screening processes. The review applied narrative synthesis and meta-analysis for qualitative and quantitative data analyses respectively. Findings pointed to a positive correlation between SEP interventions and well-being across six emerging themes: education, social, economics, agriculture, environment, and health. Meta-analysis of two studies confirmed this relationship (n=5,579, pooled standardized mean difference of well-being score, 0.545 [95% CI, 0.178 to 0.912]).

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How to Cite
Barua, P., & Tejativaddhana, P. (2019). Impact of Application of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy on the Well‐Being of Thai Population: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Relevant Studies. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 27(3), 195–219. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Proloy Barua, College of Health Systems Management (CHSM), Naresuan University, Thailand

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