Women’s Beliefs about the Utilization of Antenatal Services and their Determinants: A Qualitative Study in Three Townships of Chin State, Myanmar

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Myo Tun
Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin
Darunee Phukao
Seung Chung Paek


Although the health care resources in Chin State are comparable to those in other regions, the indicators of maternal health status there are the poorest in Myanmar. While the Myanmar government has initiated health care system reforms, the increase in service capacity alone is a necessary but insufficient condition to improve access. Because the effectiveness of antenatal care is critical in terms of reducing maternal mortality and serious morbidity, this study determines how womens beliefs affect the utilization of antenatal services. The qualitative study analyzes in-depth interviews with 25 women who had given birth during the past year in both rural and urban areas of three townships in Chin State. The results show that womens beliefs strongly influence the utilization of antenatal services. The women did not recognize pregnancy risks or the benefits of antenatal services. They also did not trust the staff in the formal health care sector, and their trust in traditional birth attendants served as a barrier to utilization of antenatal service. To improve utilization, policymakers must understand the sociocultural context of women, as well as their beliefs and trust related to antenatal care, and should design policy to address the relevant influencing factors.

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How to Cite
Tun, M., Ratanawijitrasin, S., Phukao, D., & Paek, S. C. (2018). Women’s Beliefs about the Utilization of Antenatal Services and their Determinants: A Qualitative Study in Three Townships of Chin State, Myanmar. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 27(1), 23–38. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jpss/article/view/134998
Research Articles
Author Biography

Myo Tun, Department of Society and Health, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University, Thailand and Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Medicine, Myanmar

Corresponding author


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