The Nexus of a Husband’s Educational Status in Conjunction with Alcohol Consumption on His Tendency to Commit Domestic Violence toward Female Partners in Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan

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Bamidele Emmanuel Ola


Most studies have shown that when men have higher levels of education they are less likely to beat their wives. Some have also shown that consumption of alcohol tends to be a negative catalyst in provoking inebriated males to commit domestic violence against their intimate partners. Thus, understanding the likely causes and/or associated factors of intimate partner violence with ever more concentrated studies is imperative. Studies in the past have not examined four possible categories of husbands to determine a correlation to intimate partner violence: those that are educated and tend to be alcoholics, those that are educated and tend not to drink alcohol, less-educated individuals who tend to be alcoholics, or those that are less educated and tend to not to be alcoholics. Employing the Demographic and Health Survey data for Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, this study has shown the likelihood of each category of husband to perpetrate domestic violence on intimate female parnters in Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan using the multivariate logistic regression at a 95% confidence interval. From the research it has been found that a husband’s educational level in and of itself offers no significant correlation to IPV perpetration in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, whereas in Nigeria, educated men were a little more likely to perpetrate IPV compared to men with less education as seen in the following: AOR 1.14, CI 1.02-1.27; p-value < 0.001. In all, alcoholic men were at least 3 times more likely to commit IPV than non-alcoholic men as suggested in the formula of: CI 3.08-5.56; p-value < 0.001.  In Nigeria, men with little or no education, who lived in rural areas and were non-alcoholics were less likely to perpetrate IPV compared to their counterparts in urban areas as suggested by AOR 0.75, CI 0.61-0.93; p-value < 0.01,  while alcoholic men with little or no education, who lived in rural areas, showed the strongest proclivity to beat their wives  as suggested in AOR 4.37, CI 3.5-5.42; p-value < 0.001. Alcohol seems to outweight the effects of education as an instigator of domestic violence. Its introduction consistently increases the likelihood of IPV and strengthens its statistical significance across sites.

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How to Cite
Ola, B. E. (2018). The Nexus of a Husband’s Educational Status in Conjunction with Alcohol Consumption on His Tendency to Commit Domestic Violence toward Female Partners in Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 26(4), 281–304. retrieved from
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