Perceptions of Eldercare Service Needs: A Chinese-Canadian Community Survey

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Henry Chow


Ethnic minority immigrants, especially those who resettle in a foreign country in the later stages of life, face many challenges as they age. A community survey using a representative sample of Chinese-Canadians aged 18 or above was undertaken to explore perceptions towards eldercare service needs among Chinese seniors.  Telephone interviews were conducted with 336 Chinese-Canadians residing in a western Canadian city (Calgary, Alberta) by trained, bilingual interviewers using a structured questionnaire on topics such as perceived eldercare needs of Chinese seniors, household composition, and socio-demographic information. Multiple ordinary least-squares regression analysis demonstrated that age, country of origin, perceived service needs, health of seniors in household, length of residence in Canada, and sense of filial responsibility are significantly related to respondents’ support for ethnic eldercare services. The findings underscore the importance of culturally and linguistically sensitive eldercare services and programs in the Chinese community.

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How to Cite
Chow, H. (2017). Perceptions of Eldercare Service Needs: A Chinese-Canadian Community Survey. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 26(1), 1–12. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Henry Chow, University of Regina, Canada

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