Strengthening Community through Development of A Learning Network Model

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Nongnapas Thiengkamol


It worth noting that learning network is more effective in distribution and sharing of information among members of the group. This study has objective of evaluating the Multi-level Management Linkage (MML), which is the learning network concept invented by the researcher in order to magnify the impact of education on environment conservation (or other forms of education) and strengthening the targeted community as a whole. The MML process employs various techniques, one of which is the training of trainer technique (TOT) to train the “opinion leader” or within the context of this paper known as “community leader”. Other techniques used in assessing and development of participants’ potentiality are Appreciation, Influence, Control and Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat analysis. Since MML is based upon the foundation of amplifying impact with each level of participatory training, the pretest-posttest design was used to evaluate the knowledge achievement of learning network
development, MML, and TOT. The focus group interview was first conducted to assess training need for TOT in the Bang Sue District, Bangkok Metropolis. Then the qualitative and quantitative approaches were used for qualification of training the trainer performance as trainers, educators and facilitators. After MML training operation had been finished, the learning network was established and the administrative committee was elected. The training process does not only provide participants with information competency – but also strengthening community in forms of closer group interaction, common community direction through steering committee, greater degree of information sharing, and resultoriented network. Additionally, the Participatory Performance, Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Impact and Participatory Action Research were used for evaluating the process of strengthening community.

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How to Cite
Thiengkamol, N. (2017). Strengthening Community through Development of A Learning Network Model. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 14(1). retrieved from
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