Healthcare Utilization of Gynecological and Reproductive Morbidities: Role of Intra-Familial Relations and Empowerment among Women, Rural India

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Mukesh Ravi Raushan


Maternal morbidity and mortality during pregnancy and childbirth is a serious concern in developing countries. The failure of women to discuss their reproductive health problems leads to less attention being given to healthcare for gynaecological and reproductive morbidities (GARMs). Intra-familial relations and empowerment specifically on GARMs may contribute to identifying determinants of healthcare in rural areas. Data from Primary Field Survey (N= 660) conducted during Feb-May, 2015 in 12 villages of Nalanda, Bihar, was accessed in order to identify the underlying determinants motivating women to seek advice or treatment for GARMs. The bivariate, logistic regression, and simultaneous equation modelling were used to achieve the objectives of the study. The GARMs related to female genital organs and menstrual cycle (56%) followed by menstrual disorder (53%), and prolapse (48%) was found to be the most common among rural women in Bihar. By drawing attention to intra-familial relations and promoting women to interact on GARMs may reduce maternal morbidity or death, particularly in rural India. 

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How to Cite
Raushan, M. R. (2017). Healthcare Utilization of Gynecological and Reproductive Morbidities: Role of Intra-Familial Relations and Empowerment among Women, Rural India. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 25(4), 373–387. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Mukesh Ravi Raushan, International Institute for Population Sciences, India

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