Human Security of Karen Refugees in Thailand

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Jiyoung Song


This article examines human security conditions of Karen refugees in the Thai-Burma border using the seven pillars of human security defined in the 1994 UNDP Human Development Report as its conceptual framework. It focuses on one of the smallest camps along the border, Ban Dong Yang (BDY). A brief historical background describes how BDY camp originated, the geographical challenges BDY residents face, and how this affects Karen refugees’ human security. Detailed empirical data collected in 2013-4 presents evidence on how BDY residents have coped with limited environments and resources through interactions with external service providers, and how they have developed their agency over the years. We conclude that international funds for Burma should be invested in community-based education across the Thai-Burma border, especially upper-level tertiary education, as the solution for helping this vulnerable migrant group escape from dire human security conditions.

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How to Cite
Song, J. (2015). Human Security of Karen Refugees in Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 23(2), 214–230. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Jiyoung Song, Singapore Management University, Singapore and Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, USA

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