Protective Predictors of Smoking Intention among Lower Secondary School Students in Bangkok, Thailand

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Sittipong Wattananonsakul
Arunya Tuicomepee


This research tests predictions about pathways to smoking intention by using the prototype/willingness model of health risk with 676 Thai lower secondary school students (mean age: 14.0 years). Structural equation modeling indicates that future orientation has a negative path to smoking intention. In contrast, future orientation has positive paths to having negative attitudes toward smoking, negative prototype, and peer resistance. Good self-control is positively related to negative prototype, peer resistance, and having negative attitudes toward smoking, although not directly related to smoking intention. Good self-control also has an indirect effect on smoking intention through peer resistance, negative attitudes toward smoking, and negative prototype. The overall goodness-of-fit statistical analysis shows that the causal model of smoking intention is the best fit to the empirical data. The test of the invariant model across gender found that the relationship between future orientation and good self-control in males is not different from that of females. Although the invariant model suggested the same pattern of causative relationship in both males and females, it is interesting to note that some paths are different in separate parameter estimation across the two gender groups. Suggestions and implications for preventive interventions are discussed.

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How to Cite
Wattananonsakul, S., & Tuicomepee, A. (2014). Protective Predictors of Smoking Intention among Lower Secondary School Students in Bangkok, Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 22(2), 158–173. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Sittipong Wattananonsakul, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

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