Health and Educational Status of Rohingya Refugee Children in Bangladesh

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Mahbub Alam Prodip


A large number of Muslims have migrated to Bangladesh as refugees from Myanmar since 1991. The government of Bangladesh initially welcomed and accommodated refugees in twenty-one camps in Cox’s Bazar during the influxes in 1991-1992. Now, over 220,000 refugees, mostly drawn from the Rohingya ethnic group, are living in two primitive camps along the border, having fled the widespread forced labor and ethnic and religious persecution they received within Myanmar. Among the refugees living in the camps, children have been suffering from a variety of health problems including widespread malnutrition. This article explores the situation of Rohingya refugee children living in one of the camps with regard to their educational and health status. Key informant interviews using both primary and secondary sources of information were used to analyze the current situation. The study reveals that the health and educational status of Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh may be an improvement over their life in Myanmar. However, gender discrimination is inherent in some of the programs providing health and education to Rohingya refugee children. 

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How to Cite
Prodip, M. A. (2017). Health and Educational Status of Rohingya Refugee Children in Bangladesh. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 25(2), 135–146. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Mahbub Alam Prodip, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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