The Correlates and Gender Differences of Sexual Behavior of Single Young Adults in Thailand

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Theodore D. Fuller
Aphichat Chamratrithirong
Kanya Apipornchaisakul


Using a nationally-representative sample of single young adults from the National Sexual Behavior Study of Thailand (N=1,852), we explore individual-, family-, peer-, and community-level factors related to premarital sex. Over 50% of single young males and about 20% of single young females aged 18-24 in Thailand report having engaged in sexual activity the past 12 months. Better education and frequent consumption of alcohol increases the likelihood of premarital sex.  The incidence of sex is higher among working men than women. Young adults perceive that parents are more tolerant with promiscuity among their sons rather than daughters.  The attitudes of fathers seem particularly important. When parents are more aware of the activities of young adult children, the latter are less likely to be sexually promiscuous, which however also appear to be affected by urbanity.  The sexual experience of close friends is closely related to the sexual activity of the focal young adults.


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How to Cite
Fuller, T. D., Chamratrithirong, A., & Apipornchaisakul, K. (2017). The Correlates and Gender Differences of Sexual Behavior of Single Young Adults in Thailand. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 25(4), 328–342. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Kanya Apipornchaisakul, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Thailand

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