Internal Migration to the Southeast Region of Vietnam: Trend and Motivations

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Luu Bich Ngoc
Nguyen Thanh Ha
Ha Tuan Anh


Internal migration in Vietnam following the “Reform” are identified by a set of "push" factors and "pull" factors. The Southeast region of Vietnam has the most rapid industrialization, urbanization and population concentration in Vietnam. Focusing on the last ten years, this study aims to show the factors motivating migration into the Southeast region. It employed a factorial analysis model to examine data collected from a sampling survey and revealed the pull factors of immigration are: 1) Abundant information on jobs and employment opportunities; 2) Ease of finding jobs; 3) Availability of better salaries; 4) Better health systems, education, entertainment, and living environment; 5) Wishing to become urban citizens; 6) Availability of social networking; 7) Ease of residence registration. The push factors, on the other hand are: 1) Lack of employment in departure area; 2) Pressures of family’s debts, health care and personal education; 3) Poor hospital system and schools; 4) Desire to leave from agriculture and the homeland; 5) Challenges of living and production conditions under the impact of natural disasters.

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How to Cite
Ngoc, L. B., Ha, N. T., & Anh, H. T. (2017). Internal Migration to the Southeast Region of Vietnam: Trend and Motivations. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 25(4), 298–311. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Luu Bich Ngoc, Institute for Population and Social Studies, National Economics University, Vietnam

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